807 lines
30 KiB
807 lines
30 KiB
// Created by lydxh on 24-11-27.
#ifndef HW_LIB_TICKS_H
#define HW_LIB_TICKS_H
/*============================ INCLUDES ======================================*/
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*============================ MACROS ========================================*/
* \addtogroup gHelper 4 Helper
* @{
// for IAR
#undef __IS_COMPILER_IAR__
#if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
# define __IS_COMPILER_IAR__ 1
// for arm compiler 5
#if ((__ARMCC_VERSION >= 5000000) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 6000000))
//for arm compiler 6
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
// for clang
#if defined(__clang__) && !__IS_COMPILER_ARM_COMPILER_6__
# define __IS_COMPILER_LLVM__ 1
// for gcc
# undef __IS_COMPILER_GCC__
# if defined(__GNUC__) && !(defined(__IS_COMPILER_ARM_COMPILER__) \
|| defined(__IS_COMPILER_LLVM__) \
|| defined(__IS_COMPILER_IAR__))
# define __IS_COMPILER_GCC__ 1
# endif
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-warning-option"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-identifier"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeclaration-after-statement"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-statement-expression"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshorten-64-to-32"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunsafe-buffer-usage"
#elif defined(__IS_COMPILER_ARM_COMPILER_5__)
# pragma diag_suppress 550
#elif defined(__IS_COMPILER_GCC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat="
# define __PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, \
_12, _13, _14, _15, _16, __N, ...) __N
#define __PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS(...) \
__PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL( 0,##__VA_ARGS__,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9, \
# define UNUSED_PARAM(__VAR) (void)(__VAR)
#ifndef MIN
# define MIN(__a, __b) ((__a) <= (__b) ? (__a) : (__b))
#ifndef MAX
# define MAX(__a, __b) ((__a) >= (__b) ? (__a) : (__b))
* \brief an attribute for static variables that no initialisation is required
* in the C startup process.
# if defined(__IS_COMPILER_ARM_COMPILER_5__)
# define PERF_NOINIT __attribute__(( section( ".bss.noinit"),zero_init))
# elif defined(__IS_COMPILER_ARM_COMPILER_6__)
# define PERF_NOINIT __attribute__(( section( ".bss.noinit")))
# elif defined(__IS_COMPILER_IAR__)
# define PERF_NOINIT __no_init
# elif (defined(__IS_COMPILER_GCC__) || defined(__IS_COMPILER_LLVM__)) && !defined(__APPLE__)
# define PERF_NOINIT __attribute__(( section( ".bss.noinit")))
# else
# define PERF_NOINIT
# endif
#undef __CONNECT2
#undef __CONNECT3
#undef __CONNECT4
#undef __CONNECT5
#undef __CONNECT6
#undef __CONNECT7
#undef __CONNECT8
#undef __CONNECT9
#undef CONNECT2
#undef CONNECT3
#undef CONNECT4
#undef CONNECT5
#undef CONNECT6
#undef CONNECT7
#undef CONNECT8
#undef CONNECT9
#undef CONNECT
#define __MACRO_EXPANDING(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define __CONNECT2(__A, __B) __A##__B
#define __CONNECT3(__A, __B, __C) __A##__B##__C
#define __CONNECT4(__A, __B, __C, __D) __A##__B##__C##__D
#define __CONNECT5(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E) __A##__B##__C##__D##__E
#define __CONNECT6(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F) __A##__B##__C##__D##__E##__F
#define __CONNECT7(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G) \
#define __CONNECT8(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G, __H) \
#define __CONNECT9(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G, __H, __I) \
#define ALT_CONNECT2(__A, __B) __CONNECT2(__A, __B)
#define CONNECT2(__A, __B) __CONNECT2(__A, __B)
#define CONNECT3(__A, __B, __C) __CONNECT3(__A, __B, __C)
#define CONNECT4(__A, __B, __C, __D) __CONNECT4(__A, __B, __C, __D)
#define CONNECT5(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E) __CONNECT5(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E)
#define CONNECT6(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F) \
__CONNECT6(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F)
#define CONNECT7(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G) \
__CONNECT7(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G)
#define CONNECT8(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G, __H) \
__CONNECT8(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G, __H)
#define CONNECT9(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G, __H, __I) \
__CONNECT9(__A, __B, __C, __D, __E, __F, __G, __H, __I)
#define CONNECT(...) \
#undef __using1
#undef __using2
#undef __using3
#undef __using4
#undef using
#define __using1(__declare) \
for (__declare, *CONNECT3(__using_, __LINE__,_ptr) = NULL; \
CONNECT3(__using_, __LINE__,_ptr)++ == NULL; \
#define __using2(__declare, __on_leave_expr) \
for (__declare, *CONNECT3(__using_, __LINE__,_ptr) = NULL; \
CONNECT3(__using_, __LINE__,_ptr)++ == NULL; \
(__on_leave_expr) \
#define __using3(__declare, __on_enter_expr, __on_leave_expr) \
for (__declare, *CONNECT3(__using_, __LINE__,_ptr) = NULL; \
CONNECT3(__using_, __LINE__,_ptr)++ == NULL ? \
((__on_enter_expr),1) : 0; \
(__on_leave_expr) \
#define __using4(__dcl1, __dcl2, __on_enter_expr, __on_leave_expr) \
for (__dcl1, __dcl2, *CONNECT3(__using_, __LINE__,_ptr) = NULL; \
CONNECT3(__using_, __LINE__,_ptr)++ == NULL ? \
((__on_enter_expr),1) : 0; \
(__on_leave_expr) \
#define using(...) \
#undef __with2
#undef __with3
#undef with
#define __with1(__addr) \
using(__typeof__(*__addr) *_=(__addr))
#define __with2(__type, __addr) \
using(__type *_=(__addr))
#define __with3(__type, __addr, __item) \
using(__type *_=(__addr), *__item = _, _=_,_=_ )
#define with(...) \
#undef _
#ifndef dimof
# define dimof(__array) (sizeof(__array)/sizeof(__array[0]))
#define SAFE_NAME(__NAME) CONNECT3(__,__NAME,__LINE__)
#undef foreach2
#undef foreach3
#undef foreach
#define foreach1(__array) \
using(__typeof__(__array[0]) *_ = __array) \
for ( uint_fast32_t SAFE_NAME(count) = dimof(__array); \
SAFE_NAME(count) > 0; \
_++, SAFE_NAME(count)-- \
#define foreach2(__type, __array) \
using(__type *_ = __array) \
for ( uint_fast32_t SAFE_NAME(count) = dimof(__array); \
SAFE_NAME(count) > 0; \
_++, SAFE_NAME(count)-- \
#define foreach3(__type, __array, __item) \
using(__type *_ = __array, *__item = _, _ = _, _ = _ ) \
for ( uint_fast32_t SAFE_NAME(count) = dimof(__array); \
SAFE_NAME(count) > 0; \
_++, __item = _, SAFE_NAME(count)-- \
#define foreach(...) \
#ifndef safe_atom_code
# define safe_atom_code() \
using( ticks_global_interrupt_status_t SAFE_NAME(temp) = \
ticks_port_disable_global_interrupt(), \
#ifndef __WEAK
# define __WEAK __attribute__((weak))
# define __STATIC_INLINE static inline
#ifndef __IRQ_SAFE
# define __IRQ_SAFE \
using( ticks_global_interrupt_status_t SAFE_NAME(temp) = \
ticks_port_disable_global_interrupt(), \
#ifndef __perf_counter_printf__
# define __perf_counter_printf__ printf
/* deprecated macro for backward compatibility */
#define user_code_insert_to_systick_handler \
#if __PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS() != 0
#warning Please enable GNU extensions, it is required by __cycleof__() and \
&& (!defined(__TICKS_USE_PORTING__) \
|| (defined(__TICKS_USE_PORTING__) && (0 == __TICKS_USE_PORTING__)))
# pragma import(__ensure_systick_wrapper)
# elif (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) \
&& (!defined(__IS_COMPILER_IAR__) || !__IS_COMPILER_IAR__)
__asm(".global __ensure_systick_wrapper\n\t");
# endif
#ifndef __ticks_sync_barrier__
/* default implementation */
#if defined(__clang__) || __IS_COMPILER_GCC__
# define __ticks_sync_barrier__(...) __sync_synchronize()
# define __ticks_sync_barrier__(...)
/*! @} */
/*============================ MACROFIED FUNCTIONS ===========================*/
* \addtogroup gBasic 1 Basic
* @{
* \brief measure the cycle count of a given code segment
* \param[in] __STR a description string for the measurement
* \param[in] ... an optional code segement, in which we can read the measured
* result from __cycle_count__.
* \details Here is an example:
__cycleof__("printf") {
printf("hello world\r\n");
#define __cycleof__(__STR, ...) \
using(int64_t _ = get_system_ticks(), __cycle_count__ = _, \
{__ticks_sync_barrier__();}, \
{ \
__ticks_sync_barrier__(); \
_ = get_system_ticks() - _ - g_nOffset; \
__cycle_count__ = _; \
if (__PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__) == 0) { \
__perf_counter_printf__("\r\n"); \
__perf_counter_printf__("-[Cycle Report]"); \
__perf_counter_printf__( \
"------------------------------------\r\n"); \
__perf_counter_printf__( \
__STR " total cycle count: %ld [%08lx]\r\n", \
(long)_, (long)_); \
} else { \
__VA_ARGS__ \
}; \
* \brief measure the cpu usage for a given code segment and print out the
* result in percentage.
* \param[in] __CNT generate result on every given iterations
* \param[in] ... an optional code segement, in which we can read the measured
* result from __usage__ which is a float value.
* \details Here is an example, 50% cpu time:
while (1) {
__cpu_usage__(100) {
#define __cpu_usage__(__CNT, ...) \
static int64_t SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp) = 0, SAFE_NAME(s_lTotal) = 0; \
static uint32_t SAFE_NAME(s_wLoopCounter) = (__CNT); \
using(float __usage__ = 0, ({ \
if (0 == SAFE_NAME(s_wLoopCounter)) { \
__usage__ = (float)((double)SAFE_NAME(s_lTotal) \
/ (double)( get_system_ticks() \
- SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp))); \
__usage__ *= 100.0f; \
SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp) = 0; \
SAFE_NAME(s_lTotal) = 0; \
if (__PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__) == 0) { \
__perf_counter_printf__("CPU Usage %3.2f%%\r\n", (double)__usage__);\
} else { \
__VA_ARGS__ \
} \
} \
if (0 == SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp)) { \
SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp) = get_system_ticks(); \
SAFE_NAME(s_wLoopCounter) = (__CNT); \
} \
start_task_cycle_counter();}), \
({SAFE_NAME(s_lTotal) += stop_task_cycle_counter(); \
#define __cpu_time__ __cpu_usage__
* \addtogroup gBasicTimerService 1.2 Timer Service
* \ingroup gBasic
* @{
* \brief should not use
#define ticks_is_time_out_ms0() true
* \brief set an alarm with given period in ms and check the status
* \param[in] __ms a time period in millisecond
* \param[in] __timestamp_ptr an optional timestamp holder
* \param[in] __auto_reload whether starting next period after a timeout event
* \return bool whether it is timeout
#define ticks_is_time_out_ms3(__ms, __timestamp_ptr, __auto_reload) \
({ static int64_t SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp); (void)SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp); \
__ticks_is_time_out(ticks_convert_ms_to_ticks(__ms), \
(__timestamp_ptr), (__auto_reload));})
* \brief set an alarm with given period in ms and check the status
* \param[in] __ms a time period in millisecond
* \param[in] __timestamp_ptr an optional timestamp holder
* \return bool whether it is timeout
#define ticks_is_time_out_ms2(__ms, __timestamp_ptr) \
ticks_is_time_out_ms3((__ms), (__timestamp_ptr), true)
* \brief set an alarm with given period in ms and check the status
* \param[in] __ms a time period in millisecond
* \param[in] __timestamp_ptr an optional timestamp holder
* \return bool whether it is timeout
#define ticks_is_time_out_ms1(__ms) \
ticks_is_time_out_ms3((__ms), &SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp), true)
* \brief set an alarm with given period in ms and check the status
* \param[in] __ms a time period in millisecond
* \param[in] ... an optional timestamp holder
* \param[in] ... an optional indicator for whether starting next period after a timeout event
* \return bool whether it is timeout
#define ticks_is_time_out_ms(...) \
CONNECT2(ticks_is_time_out_ms, __PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__)) \
* \brief set an alarm with given period in us and check the status
* \param[in] __us a time period in microsecond
* \param[in] __timestamp_ptr an optional timestamp holder
* \param[in] __auto_reload whether starting next period after a timeout event
* \return bool whether it is timeout
#define ticks_is_time_out_us3(__us, __timestamp_ptr, __auto_reload) \
({ static int64_t SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp); (void)SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp); \
__ticks_is_time_out(ticks_convert_us_to_ticks(__us), \
(__timestamp_ptr), (__auto_reload));})
* \brief set an alarm with given period in us and check the status
* \param[in] __us a time period in microsecond
* \param[in] __timestamp_ptr an optional timestamp holder
* \return bool whether it is timeout
#define ticks_is_time_out_us2(__us, __timestamp_ptr) \
ticks_is_time_out_us3((__us), (__timestamp_ptr), true)
* \brief set an alarm with given period in us and check the status
* \param[in] __us a time period in microsecond
* \param[in] __timestamp_ptr an optional timestamp holder
* \return bool whether it is timeout
#define ticks_is_time_out_us1(__us) \
ticks_is_time_out_us3((__us), &SAFE_NAME(s_lTimestamp), true)
* \brief set an alarm with given period in us and check the status
* \param[in] __us a time period in microsecond
* \param[in] ... an optional timestamp holder
* \param[in] ... an optional indicator for whether starting next period after a timeout event
* \return bool whether it is timeout
#define ticks_is_time_out_us(...) \
CONNECT2(ticks_is_time_out_us, __PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__)) \
/*============================ TYPES =========================================*/
typedef struct {
int64_t lStart;
int64_t lUsedTotal;
int32_t nUsedRecent;
uint16_t hwActiveCount;
uint16_t : 15;
uint16_t bEnabled: 1;
} task_cycle_info_t;
typedef struct task_cycle_info_agent_t task_cycle_info_agent_t;
struct task_cycle_info_agent_t {
task_cycle_info_t *ptInfo;
task_cycle_info_agent_t *ptNext;
task_cycle_info_agent_t *ptPrev;
extern volatile int64_t g_lLastTimeStamp;
extern volatile int32_t g_nOffset;
extern int64_t get_system_ticks(void);
/*! \note the prototype of this clock() is different from the one defined in
*! time.h. As clock_t is usually defined as unsigned int, it is
*! not big enough in Cortex-M system to hold a time-stamp. clock()
*! defined here returns the timestamp since the begining of main()
*! and its unit is clock cycle (rather than 1ms). Hence, for a system
*! running under several hundreds MHz or even 1GHz, e.g. RT10xx from
*! NXP, it is very easy to see a counter overflow as clock_t is
*! defined as uint32_t in timer.h.
*! Since we are not allowed to change the defintion of clock_t in
*! official header file, i.e. time.h, I use a compatible prototype
*! after I checked the AAPCS spec. So, the return of the clock() is
*! int64_t, which will use the R0 to store the lower 32bits and R1
*! to store the higher 32bits. When you are using the prototype from
*! timer.h, caller will only take the lower 32bits stored in R0 and
*! the higher 32bits stored in R1 will be ignored.
*! If you want to use the non-overflow version of this clock(), please
*! 1) define the MACRO: __PERF_CNT_USE_LONG_CLOCK__ in your project
*! and 2) do not include system header file <time.h>
#if !defined(__IS_COMPILER_IAR__)
extern int64_t clock(void);
* \brief try to set a start pointer for the performance counter
static inline
void start_cycle_counter(void) {
g_lLastTimeStamp = get_system_ticks();
* \brief calculate the elapsed cycle count since the last start point
* \note you can have multiple stop_cycle_counter following one start point
* \return int32_t the elapsed cycle count
static inline
int64_t stop_cycle_counter(void) {
int64_t lTemp = (get_system_ticks() - g_lLastTimeStamp);
return lTemp - g_nOffset;
/*! @} */
* \addtogroup gBasicTimerService 1.2 Timer Service
* \ingroup gBasic
* @{
* \brief get the system timer frequency
* \return uint32_t the system timer frequency in Hz
extern uint32_t ticks_get_systimer_frequency(void);
* \brief get the elapsed milliseconds since perf_counter is initialised
* \return int64_t the elapsed milliseconds
extern int64_t get_system_ms(void);
* \brief get the elapsed microsecond since perf_counter is initialised
* \return int64_t the elapsed microsecond
extern int64_t get_system_us(void);
* \brief delay specified time in microsecond
* \param[in] wUs time in microsecond
extern void delay_us(uint32_t wUs);
* \brief delay specified time in millisecond
* \param[in] wMs time in millisecond
extern void delay_ms(uint32_t nMs);
* \brief convert ticks of a reference timer to millisecond
* \param[in] lTick the tick count
* \return int64_t the millisecond
int64_t ticks_convert_ticks_to_ms(int64_t lTick);
* \brief convert millisecond into ticks of the reference timer
* \param[in] wMS the target time in millisecond
* \return int64_t the ticks
int64_t ticks_convert_ms_to_ticks(uint32_t wMS);
* \brief convert ticks of a reference timer to microsecond
* \param[in] lTick the tick count
* \return int64_t the microsecond
int64_t ticks_convert_ticks_to_us(int64_t lTick);
* \brief convert microsecond into ticks of the reference timer
* \param[in] wUS the target time in microsecond
* \return int64_t the ticks
int64_t ticks_convert_us_to_ticks(uint32_t wUS);
* \brief set an alarm with given period and check the status
* \param[in] lPeriod a time period in ticks
* \param[in] plTimestamp a pointer points to an int64_t integer, if NULL is
* passed, an static local variable inside the function will be used
* \param[in] bAutoReload whether starting next period after a timeout event.
* \return bool whether it is timeout or not
bool __ticks_is_time_out(int64_t lPeriod, int64_t *plTimestamp, bool bAutoReload);
* \addtogroup gBasic 1 Basic
* @{
* Please ignore the following APIs unless you have encountered some known *
* special conditions *
/*! \brief initialise cycle counter service
* \note - don't forget to tell the function whether the systick is already
* used by user applications.
* Don't worry, this cycle counter service won't affect your existing
* systick service.
* \note - Usually the perf_counter can initialise itself with the help of
* __attribute__((constructor(255))), this works fine in Arm Compiler
* 5 (armcc), Arm Compiler 6 (armclang), arm gcc and llvm. It doesn't
* work for IAR. So, when you are using IAR, please call this function
* manually to initialise the perf_counter service.
* \note - Perf_counter library assumes that:
* 1. Your project has already using SysTick
* 2. It assumes that you have already implemented the SysTick_Handler
* 3. It assumes that you have enabled the exception handling for
* SysTick.
* If these are not the case, please:
* 1. Add an empty SysTick_Handler to your project if you don't have
* one
* 2. Make sure you have the SysTick Exception handling enabled
* 3. And call function init_cycle_counter(false) if you doesn't
* use SysTick in your project at all.
* \param[in] bIsSysTickOccupied A boolean value which indicates whether SysTick
* is already used by user application.
* \return false Failed to initialize the timer counter, as the timer is not
* available or IO error.
* \return true initialization is successful.
extern bool init_cycle_counter(bool bIsSysTickOccupied);
* \brief a system timer overflow handler
* \note - if you are using a compiler other than armcc or armclang, e.g. iar,
* arm gcc etc, the systick_wrapper_ual.o doesn't work with the linker
* of your target toolchain as it use the $Super$$ which is only supported
* by armlink. For this condition, you have to manually put this function
* into your existing SysTick_Handler to make the perf_counter library
* work.
* \note - if you are using Arm Compiler 5 (armcc) or Arm Compiler 6 (armclang)
* you do NOT have to insert this function into your SysTick_Handler,
* the systick_wrapper_ual.s will do the work for you.
extern void ticks_port_insert_to_system_timer_insert_ovf_handler(void);
* \brief update perf_counter as SystemCoreClock has been updated.
extern void update_perf_counter(void);
* \brief prepare for reconfiguration of SysTick timer.
* \note some systems (e.g. FreeRTOS) might reconfigure the systick timer to
* fulfil the requirement of their feature. To support this, just
* before the reconfiguration, please call this function in order
* to make the perf_counter works correctly later.
* \note after the reconfiguration, please call update_perf_counter() to apply
* the changes to perf_counter.
* \note this function will stop the SysTick, clear the pending bit and set
* the Load register and Current Value register to zero.
extern void before_cycle_counter_reconfiguration(void);
#ifndef __ticks_sync_barrier__
# define __ticks_sync_barrier__(...) do {__DSB();__ISB();} while(0)
typedef uint32_t ticks_global_interrupt_status_t;
ticks_global_interrupt_status_t ticks_port_disable_global_interrupt(void);
// ticks_global_interrupt_status_t tStatus = __get_PRIMASK();
// __disable_irq();
// return tStatus;
void ticks_port_resume_global_interrupt(ticks_global_interrupt_status_t tStatus);
// __set_PRIMASK(tStatus);
//#if defined(__clang__)
//# pragma clang diagnostic pop
//#elif defined(__IS_COMPILER_GCC__)
//# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //HW_LIB_TICKS_H