//#include "plooc_class.h"

/*============================ INCLUDES ======================================*/
//#include <stdint.h>

/*! \NOTE the uint_fast8_t used in this header file is defined in stdint.h
          if you don't have stdint.h supported in your toolchain, you should
          define uint_fast8_t all by yourself with following rule:
          a. if the target processor is 8 bits, define it as uint8_t
          b. if the target processor is 16 bits, define it as uint16_t
          c. if the target processor is 32 bits, define it as uint32_t
          d. if the target processor is 64 bits, define it as either uint32_t or

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*============================ MACROS ========================================*/
#undef private_member
#undef protected_member
#undef public_member

/*============================ MACROFIED FUNCTIONS ===========================*/


#   define __def_simple_class(__name)       struct  __name
#   define def_simple_class(__name)         __def_simple_class(__name)
#   define define_simple_class(__name)      def_simple_class(__name)
#   define declare_simple_class(__name)     typedef struct __name __name;
#   define dcl_simple_class(__name)         declare_simple_class(__name)

#endif  /* __PLOOC_CLASS_SIMPLE_H__ */

#if     defined(__OOC_DEBUG__)

#   define private_member(...)              PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define protected_member(...)            PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define public_member(...)               PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)

#elif   defined(__PLOOC_CLASS_IMPLEMENT__) || defined(__PLOOC_CLASS_IMPLEMENT)

#   define private_member(...)              PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define protected_member(...)            PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define public_member(...)               PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)

#elif   defined(__PLOOC_CLASS_INHERIT__) || defined(__PLOOC_CLASS_INHERIT)

#   define private_member(...)              PLOOC_INVISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define protected_member(...)            PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define public_member(...)               PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)

#else   /* __PLOOC_CLASS_EXTERN */

#   define private_member(...)              PLOOC_INVISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define protected_member(...)            PLOOC_INVISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)
#   define public_member(...)               PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)


// code below is just try to be compatible with plooc_class_strict
#undef declare_class
#undef dcl_class
#undef def_class
#undef define_class
#undef __def_class
#undef end_def_class
#undef end_define_class
#undef __end_def_class
#undef extern_class
#undef __extern_class
#undef end_extern_class
#undef __end_extern_class

#define __end_def_class(...)

#define __def_class(__name, ...)                                                \
    typedef struct __name __name;                                               \
    struct __name {                                                             \
        __VA_ARGS__                                                             \

#if     defined(__PLOOC_CLASS_IMPLEMENT__) || defined(__PLOOC_CLASS_IMPLEMENT)

#   undef  __class
#   define __class(__name)                  __name

#   undef  class
#   define class(__name)                    __class(__name)

#   undef __with_class
#   define __with_class(__type, __src, ...)                                     \
        {                                                                       \
            class(__type)*_ =(class(__type) *)(__src);                          \
            PLOOC_UNUSED_PARAM(_);                                              \
            __VA_ARGS__;                                                        \
        }                                                                       \
        for (class(__type)*_ =(class(__type) *)(__src); NULL != _; _ = NULL)

#   undef with_class
#   define with_class(__type, __src, ...)                                       \
            __with_class(__type, __src, __VA_ARGS__)

#   undef __class_internal
#   define __class_internal(__src, __des, __type, ...)                          \
            class(__type) *(__des) = (class(__type) *)(__src);                  \
            PLOOC_UNUSED_PARAM(__des);                                          \
            __with_class(__type, (__src), __VA_ARGS__)

#   undef class_internal
#   define class_internal(__src, __des, __type, ...)                             \
            __class_internal(__src, __des, __type, __VA_ARGS__)

#define __extern_class(...)

#define __end_extern_class(...)

#elif   defined(__PLOOC_CLASS_INHERIT__) || defined(__PLOOC_CLASS_INHERIT)

#   undef  __class_protected
#   define __class_protected(__name)            __name

#   undef  class_protected
#   define class_protected(__name)              __class_protected(__name)

#   undef __with_protected
#   define __with_protected(__type, __src, ...)                                 \
        {                                                                       \
            class_protected(__type)*_ =(class_protected(__type) *)(__src);      \
            PLOOC_UNUSED_PARAM(_);                                              \
            __VA_ARGS__;                                                        \

#   undef with_protected
#   define with_protected(__type, __src, ...)                                   \
            __with_protected(__type, __src, __VA_ARGS__)

#   undef __protected_internal
#   define __protected_internal(__src, __des, __type, ...)                      \
            class_protected(__type) *(__des)=(class_protected(__type) *)(__src);\
            PLOOC_UNUSED_PARAM(__des);                                          \
            __with_protected(__type, __src, __VA_ARGS__)

#   undef protected_internal
#   define protected_internal(__src, __des, __type, ...)                        \
            __protected_internal(__src, __des, __type, __VA_ARGS__)

#define __extern_class(...)

#define __end_extern_class(...)

#else  /* __PLOOC_CLASS_EXTERN */

#define __extern_class(...)             __def_class(__VA_ARGS__)

#define __end_extern_class(...)


#undef which
#define which(...)                      PLOOC_VISIBLE(__VA_ARGS__)

#define def_class(__name, ...)          __def_class(__name, __VA_ARGS__)
#define define_class(__name, ...)       def_class(__name, __VA_ARGS__)

#define end_def_class(...)              __end_def_class(__VA_ARGS__)
#define end_define_class(...)           end_def_class(__VA_ARGS__)

#define dcl_class(__name)               typedef struct __name __name;
#define declare_class(__name)           typedef struct __name __name;

#define extern_class(__name, ...)       __extern_class(__name, __VA_ARGS__)

#define end_extern_class(__name, ...)   __end_extern_class(__name, __VA_ARGS__)

/*============================ TYPES =========================================*/
/*============================ GLOBAL VARIABLES ==============================*/
/*============================ LOCAL VARIABLES ===============================*/
/*============================ PROTOTYPES ====================================*/

#ifdef __cplusplus