
283 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
{{template "header" .}}
<div class="sub-title">- {{ .Title }} -</div>
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2024-05-03 14:42:59 +00:00
border-color: var(--primary,#673ab7);;
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
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padding: 20px 10px 0;
.tk-comments-container>.tk-comment {
padding: 15px;
/* 页面初始化结束 */
margin-top: 1rem;
#talk .loading {
2024-05-03 14:42:59 +00:00
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2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
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2024-05-03 14:42:59 +00:00
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2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
#talk .loading img {
2024-05-03 14:42:59 +00:00
height: 60px;
width: 60px;
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
.talk_item {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
padding: 20px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
.avatar {
margin: 0 !important;
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
border-radius: 10px;
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display: flex;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
line-height: 1.5;
justify-content: space-between;
.info {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin-left: 10px;
span.talk_nick {
color: #6dbdc3;
font-size: 1.2rem;
} {
width: 15px;
margin-left: 5px;
padding-top: 3px;
span.talk_date {
opacity: .6;
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margin-top: 10px;
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/* 底部 */
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opacity: .9;
.talk_bottom .icon {
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
color: var(--primary,#673ab7);
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
float: right;
transition: all .3s;
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/* 提醒 */
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2024-05-03 14:42:59 +00:00
color: var(--primary,#673ab7);
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
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margin: 0 3px
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span.talk_date {
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<div id="talk">
2024-05-03 14:42:59 +00:00
<div class='loading'><img src="/public/img/loading.svg" alt="加载中...">
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
<div class="limit">- 只展示最近30条说说 -</div>
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
function Format(item) {
let date = getTime(new Date(item.createdTs * 1000).toString()),
content = item.content,
imgs = content.match(/!\[.*\]\(.*?\)/g),
musics = content.match(/{\s*music\s*(.*)\s*}/g),
videos = content.match(/{\s*bilibili\s*(.*)\s*}/g);
2024-05-07 13:46:06 +00:00
if (imgs) imgs = => {
return item.replace(/!\[.*\]\((.*?)\)/, '$1')
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
if (item.resourceList.length) {
if (!imgs) imgs = []
item.resourceList.forEach(t => {
if (t.externalLink) imgs.push(t.externalLink)
else imgs.push(`${url}/o/r/${}/${t.publicId}/${t.filename}`)
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
content = content.replace(/#(.*?)\s/g, '').replace(/{.*}/g, '').replace(/\!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/g, '').replace(/```/g, '')
let text = content.replace(/\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/g, '[链接]').trim();
content = content.replace(/\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/g, `<a href="$2">@$1</a>`);
if (imgs) {
content += `<div class="zone_imgbox">`
imgs.forEach(e => content += `<a href="${e}" data-fancybox="gallery" class="fancybox" data-thumb="${e}"><img class="no-lazyload talk-img" src="${e}"></a>`)
content += '</div>'
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
2024-05-07 13:46:06 +00:00
if (musics) musics.forEach(item => {
content += `<meting-js auto="${item.replace(/{\s*music\s*(.*)\s*}/, '$1')}" theme="var(--leonus-main)" preload="metadata"></meting-js>`
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
if (videos) videos.forEach(item => {
content += `<div style="position: relative; padding: 30% 45%;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px"><iframe style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; top: 0;" src="//${item.replace(/{\s*bilibili\s*(.*)\s*}/, '$1').replace(/.*video\/([^\/]*).*/, '$1')}" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>`
2024-05-07 13:46:06 +00:00
return {content, date, text}
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
function getTime(time) {
2024-05-07 13:46:06 +00:00
var nol = function (h) {
return h > 9 ? h : '0' + h
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
var now = new Date()
var yesterday = new Date(now.getTime() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)).toLocaleDateString()
var twoDaysAgo = new Date(now.getTime() - 2 * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)).toLocaleDateString()
let d = new Date(time),
ls = [d.getFullYear(), nol(d.getMonth() + 1), nol(d.getDate()), nol(d.getHours()), nol(d.getMinutes()), nol(d.getSeconds())],
day = d.toLocaleDateString()
if (day === now.toLocaleDateString()) {
return '今天 ' + ls[3] + ':' + ls[4]
} else if (day === yesterday) {
return '昨天 ' + ls[3] + ':' + ls[4]
} else if (day === twoDaysAgo) {
return '前天 ' + ls[3] + ':' + ls[4]
} else {
if (now.getFullYear() == ls[0]) return ls[1] + '月' + ls[2] + '日 ' + ls[3] + ':' + ls[4]
else return ls[0] + '年' + ls[1] + '月' + ls[2] + '日 ' + ls[3] + ':' + ls[4]
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
2024-05-07 13:46:06 +00:00
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
fetch('{{ .Data.url }}/api/v1/memo?creatorId={{ .Data.user }}&tag={{ .Data.tag }}&limit=30').then(res => res.json()).then(data => {
let items = [], html = ''
2024-05-07 13:46:06 +00:00
data.forEach(item => {
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
if (items.length == 30) document.querySelector('.limit').style.display = 'block'
items.forEach(item => {
2024-05-15 08:43:25 +00:00
html += '<div class="talk_item"><div class="talk_meta">';
2024-05-15 08:53:43 +00:00
html += "<img class=\"no-lightbox no-lazyload avatar\" src=\"{{ .Data.qq }}&s=5\">";
2024-05-15 08:37:12 +00:00
html += `<div class="info"><span class="talk_nick">Leonus</span><span class="talk_date">${}</span>`;
html += `</div></div><div class="talk_content">${item.content}</div></div>`;
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
2024-05-15 08:23:11 +00:00
document.getElementById('talk').innerHTML = html;'.talk-img', () => { waterfall('#talk')});
2024-05-07 13:33:51 +00:00
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
2024-05-15 08:15:01 +00:00
<script defer src=""></script>
<script defer src=""></script>
2024-05-03 10:34:32 +00:00
{{template "footer" .}}